if it's your final wish i'll make it happen

Artist: American Pleasure Club
Album: if it's your final wish i'll make it happen
Released: 1/12/2018
Length: 3:38
Format: MP3


You've torn up fabric and shouted delusion
Leaving the ground filled with blood from the scrapes
They've worn the tattered remains of your movement
Pull away skin ripping tape from your mouth
Now lay in stinking decay underground
Your unconvincing dictations abound

Learn when I lose
I know your truth
In unbandaged wounds

These ashes seem black but they're actually blue
Imagined passion in scabs and perfume
In every sound that you've captured in tombs
Coming unfastened, too fast to renew
Your own assassin, you fashion a tomb
Wave a knife and then stab

If it's your final wish, I'll make it happen
I've rotted under fluorescent light
And I'll stop at nothing to get it right
I'll stop at nothing to get it right
If it's your final wish

One last embrace and then go say your goodbye